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Who is COIN Bureau Guy?

Coin Bureau Guy's crypto portfolio breakdown. See what this 'Guy' is hodling. : r/CryptoCurrency The leading community for cryptocurrency news, discussion, and analysis. Coin Bureau Guy's crypto portfolio breakdown. See what this 'Guy' is hodling. Many of you already know Guy from Coin Bureau. He makes the narliest crypto content on YouTube.

Who started COIN Bureau?

When two friends then announced they were starting Coin Bureau, Guy pestered to join the team. He was one of the first writers on the website and many of the site ' s earliest educational pieces were written by him. Then, in 2018, he floated the idea of a YouTube channel. Some old skills served him well on and off camera and the team began filming.

Does COIN Bureau have gimmicks?

Coin Bureau’s videos are created in a professional studio (rather than a bedroom), and Guy presents information engagingly and dynamically. But fans never have to worry about gimmicks with Coin Bureau. Guy and the team’s success formula proves simple.

Who is Guy Turner?

“Crypto YouTubers” often get a bad rap for “shilling shitcoins,” but Guy Turner is not cut from the same cloth. The host of the educational channel Coin Bureau is a recognizable face who has garnered a reputation for delivering witty, entertaining and insightful content.

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